Generosity With Purpose: Giving to create deeper connections, more joy and lasting impact.

Give With Clarity

I work with individuals and families who are looking for greater focus, effectiveness, and a sense of empowerment in their charitable giving. They are looking to connect through generosity and create an action plan that streamlines their time and resources for maximum support of the causes they believe in.

With my customized process I will help align your giving to create deeper connections to the people you care about and change for the causes you believe in.

  • You will move from reactive/obligatory giving to proactive/intentional giving.

  • You will gain more time and resources for the causes you love.

  • You will have a clear plan to share with family and your team of wealth advisors.

  • I start by getting curious. 

    What matters to you and why? What values drive your decisions? How do you want to make the world a better place? And what is the legacy you want to leave?

    I want to understand your story and generosity with less focus on the method and more focus on the meaning and purpose behind your generosity.

  • If you’ve been giving for years or are just getting started I can help you refine your goals and focus your intention.

    Let’s build a strategy that aligns your time and dollars to the people and causes you believe in.

    I give you the tools and confidence to maintain a healthy balance in your generosity.

  • Most importantly I help you celebrate your role in making our world a better place. 

    I help drown out the noise and focus on the aspects of giving that you are passionate about and bring YOU fulfillment.  

    Choose my customized process to build your plan or wrap-around services to administer all aspects of the giving process, so that you can focus on the areas that bring you the most satisfaction and joy.

Ways to Learn & Connect

1:1 Strategic Planning

Align your time, talent and dollars for maximum impact.

Join us on November 11

Presbyterian Women Who Give: Aligning Your Philanthropy Around Your Purpose, Passion and Values

Ways to Learn & Connect

Generosity Tune-Up.

In two one hour 15 minute on-line sessions we’ll create a focus, get organized, create an action plan and celebrate.

April 25th and May 2nd 7pm CST

Book a workshop or presentation for your group.

  • Aligning your (philanthropy/next act/life) with your purpose and passion.

  • Making a difference together maximizing the impact of your volunteer experience.

  • 8 questions to ask before making a donation.

  • More available.